Results for 'Stephen David Petersen'

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  1.  10
    The Good in Nature and Humanity: Connecting Science, Religion, and Spirituality with the Natural World.Stephen R. Kellert, Timothy J. Farnham & Timothy Farnham - 2002 - Island Press.
    The good in nature and humanity brings together 20 leading thinkers and writers - including Ursula Goodenough, Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan, Carl Safina, David Petersen, Wendell Berry, Terry Tempest Williams, and Barry Lopez - to examine the divide between faith and reason, and to seek a means for developing an environmental ethic that will help us confront two of our most imperiling crises: global environmental destruction and an impoverished spirituality. The book explores the ways in which science, spirit, (...)
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  2. Costa, cancer and coronavirus: contractualism as a guide to the ethics of lockdown.Stephen David John & Emma J. Curran - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):643-650.
    Lockdown measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic involve placing huge burdens on some members of society for the sake of benefiting other members of society. How should we decide when these policies are permissible? Many writers propose we should address this question using cost-benefit analysis, a broadly consequentialist approach. We argue for an alternative non-consequentialist approach, grounded in contractualist moral theorising. The first section sets up key issues in the ethics of lockdown, and sketches the apparent appeal of addressing (...)
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    Messy autonomy: Commentary on Patient preference predictors and the problem of naked statistical evidence.Stephen David John - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):864-864.
    Like many, I find the idea of relying on patient preference predictors in life-or-death cases ethically troubling. As part of his stimulating discussion, Sharadin1 diagnoses such unease as a worry that using PPPs disrespects patients’ autonomy, by treating their most intimate and significant desires as if they were caused by their demographic traits. I agree entirely with Sharadin’s ‘debunking’ response to this concern: we can use statistical correlations to predict others’ preferences without thereby assuming any causal claim. However, I suspect (...)
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    How low can you go? Justified hesitancy and the ethics of childhood vaccination against COVID-19.Stephen David John - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):1006-1009.
    This paper explores some of the ethical issues around offering COVID-19 vaccines to children. My main conclusion is rather paradoxical: the younger we go, the stronger the grounds for justified parental hesitancy and, as such, the stronger the arguments for enforcing vaccination. I suggest that this is not thereductio ad absurdumit appears, but does point to difficult questions about the nature of parental authority in vaccination cases. The first section sketches the disagreement over vaccinating teenagers, arguing that the UK policy (...)
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    Supreme Emergencies, Epistemic Murkiness and Epistemic Transparency.Stephen David John - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (2):3-12.
    Sometimes, states face emergencies: situations where many individuals face an imminent threat of serious harm. Some believe that in such cases certain sorts of actions which are normally morally prohibited might be permissible. In this paper, I discuss this view as it applies in both the contexts of war and of public health policy. I suggest that the deontologist can best understand emergencies by analogy with the distinction between act- and rule consequentialism. In real world cases, we must often make (...)
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    Introduction.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:1-20.
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  7. Perspective in Whitehead's Metaphysics.Stephen David Ross - 1983 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 19 (4):416-421.
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    Philosophical Mysteries.Stephen David Ross - 1981 - State University of New York Press.
    “This is my major thesis. Mystery is inherent in both the nature of things and the nature of rationality. I will sustain this thesis by a review of some of the central issues of philosophy to elucidate their mysterious qualities. More important, however, I will develop in detail an explanation of mystery and trace some of its important ramifications.” “I will argue that an ordinal metaphysics, with its associated theory of query, provides an account of mystery that no other theory (...)
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    Calling.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:197-247.
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    Disaster.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:335-350.
    The disaster ruins everything, all the while leaving everything intact. It does not touch anyone in particular; “I” am not threatened by it, but spared, left aside. It is in this way that I am threatened;. . . .The disaster is separate; that which is most separate.When the disaster comes upon us, it does not come. The disaster is its imminence, but since the future, as we conceive of it in the order of lived time, belongs to the disaster, the (...)
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  11.  19
    "La luz de la naturaleza": Dios y filosofía en la Óptica de Isaac Newton.Stephen David Snobelen - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 35:15-54.
    Este artículo discute la cercana relación entre la teología y la filosofía natural de Newton. Tomando como punto de inscripción el ejemplo de la Óptica, se refutarán estas lecturas de Newton. Primero, se examinará la evidencia que muestra que Newton contempló una declaración explícita de filosofía natural para la primera edición de la Óptica. Luego se discutirá el material teológico-natural añadido a la Optice de 1706. Al hacerlo, se señalarán ejemplos de su relación con las afirmaciones hechas en el Escolio (...)
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  12. Art and its Significance an Anthology of Aesthetic Theory.Stephen David Ross - 1994
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    Perspective in Whitehead's Metaphysics.Stephen David Ross - 1983 - State University of New York Press.
    This book addresses key Whiteheadian texts and secondary interpretations of Whitehead.
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  14. The limits of sexuality.Stephen David Ross - 1982 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 9 (3-4):319-336.
  15. The sovereignty and utility of the work of art.Stephen David Ross - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (2):145-154.
  16.  22
    Disputing deindividuation: Why negative group behaviours derive from group norms, not group immersion.Stephen David Reicher, Russell Spears, Tom Postmes & Anna Kende - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e161.
    Strong social identity does not lead to lack of accountability and “bad” behavior in groups and crowds but rather causes group behavior to be driven by group norms. The solution to problematic group behavior is therefore not to individualize the group but rather to change group norms, as underlined by the relational dynamics widely studied in the SIDE tradition.
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  17.  57
    Abundance.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:357-468.
    Quantum aesthetics fosters what might be called a general thesis of metaphysical intimacy. There is no place left, even in nature, where uninterpreted events can hide. With regard to the work of Niels Bohr and Heisenberg, this condition of unavoidable interpretation is referred to as the “indivisibility of the quantum action.” Accordingly, talking about any privileged or pristine considerations involves contradictions that, according to advocates of quantum aesthetics, must be overcome. Now, every facet of existence has a voice that has (...)
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    (2 other versions)Art and its Significance: An Anthology of Aesthetic Theory, First Edition.Stephen David Ross (ed.) - 1984 - State University of New York Press.
    This anthology has been significantly expanded for this edition to include a wider range of contemporary issues.
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    A Theory of Art: Inexhaustibility by Contrast.Stephen David Ross - 1982 - State University of New York Press.
    The general theory of art and aesthetic value developed in this book is based on the notions of inexhaustibility and contrast and has important forebears in Kant, Coleridge, and Whitehead.
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  20. A Theory of Art: Inexhaustibility by Contrast.Stephen David Ross - 1984 - Mind 93 (369):136-138.
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  21.  34
    Bibliography.Stephen David Ross - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:513-565.
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  22.  25
    Body and Image.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:159-176.
    The phenomenology of memory proposed here is structured around two questions: Of what are there memories? Whose memory is it? (Ricoeur, MHF, 3)in the margins of a critique of imagination, there has to be an uncoupling of imagination from memory . . . . (5–6).
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    Body Images.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:55-106.
    Now let us imagine, if you please, a tiny worm living in the blood, . . . . The worm would be living in the blood as we are living in our part of the universe, and it would regard each individual particle as a whole, not a part, and it would have no idea as to how all the parts are controlled by the overall nature of the blood and compelled to mutual adaptation as the overall nature of the (...)
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  24.  15
    Belonging to a Philosophic Discourse.Stephen David Ross - 1986 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 19 (3):166 - 177.
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  25.  36
    Counter-History.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:129-138.
    The fundamental faith of the metaphysicians is the faith in opposite values. . . .For one may doubt, first, whether there are any opposites at all, and secondly whether these popular valuations and opposite values on which the metaphysicians put their seal, are not perhaps merely foreground estimates, only provisional perspectives, perhaps even from some nook, perhaps from below, frog perspectives, as it were, to borrow an expression painters use. For all the value that the true, the truthful, the selfless (...)
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  26.  79
    Counter-Memory.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:139-158.
    there is something else to which we are witness, and which we might describe as an insurrection of subjugated knowledges. (Foucault, 2L, 81)a whole set of knowledges that have been disqualified as inadequate to their task or insufficiently elaborated: naive knowledges, . . . . (82)What emerges out of this is something one might call a genealogy, or rather a multiplicity of genealogical researches, a painstaking rediscovery of struggles together with the rude memory of their conflicts. (83)Let us give the (...)
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  27.  41
    Complexities of judgment.Stephen David Ross - 1976 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):91-102.
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    Diachrony.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:247-276.
    A giving which gives only its gift, but in the giving holds itself back and withdraws, . . . . (Heidegger, TB, 8)the Forgotten is . . . the Law. (Lyotard, “HJ," 147)how could this thought (Heidegger’s), a thought so devoted to remembering that a forgetting (of Being) takes place in all thought, in all art, in all “representation” of the world, how could it possibly have ignored the thought of [that] which, in a certain sense, thinks, tries to think, (...)
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  29.  21
    Enlightenment.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:99-128.
    Without the mind of a seer, I now maintain that I can predict (vorhersagen) from the aspects and precursor—signs (Vorzeichen) of our times, the achievement (Erreichung) of this end, and with it, at the same time, the progressive improvement of mankind, a progress which henceforth cannot be totally reversible . . . a phenomenon of this kind in human history can never be forgotten (vergisst sich nicht mehr). (Kant, CF; quoted in Lyotard, SH, 408).
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  30.  5
    (1 other version)Enchanting: Beyond Disenchantment.Stephen David Ross - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores how we might think and live in the enchantment of the secular, modern world.
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  31.  17
    Everyday Life.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:219-245.
    [T]he common character of the mildest, as well as the severest cases, to which the faulty and chance actions contribute, lies in the ability to refer the phenomena to unwelcome, repressed, psychic material, which, though pushed away from consciousness, is nevertheless not robbed of all capacity to express itself. (Freud, PEL, 146).
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  32.  52
    Empty Self.Stephen David Ross - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:233-268.
    Zen-Buddhist nothingness is the nowhere is there something that is I, or conversely: the I that is the nowhere is there something. (Hisamatsu, FN, 25-26; quoted and trans. in Stambaugh, FS, 76)... it is empty of being. That means that it is beyond all measure ....... it is empty without emptiness. That means that it does not cling to itself.... it possesses nothing. That means that it doesn't possess and also cannot be possessed. (Hisamatsu, FN, 31; quoted and trans. in (...)
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    For Giving.Stephen David Ross - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:469-504.
    The image sees.The image feels.The image acts. (Bennett, CB, 195)The image gives.The image is given.The image proliferates.The image betrays.The image for gives.The image is for giving.The image is for exposition.The image is for beauty.The image is from the good.The image is mother, and is father, is both mother and father, and neither mother nor father; for it is the child. The image is the parent, and the children, both parent and children, and neither parent nor children.
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    General Preface to the Project.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:1-5.
    Sixth volume devoted to the good. Human, natural worlds filled with gifts. Nature, general economy of the good, earth's abundance, beyond measure. Gifts and giving, beyond having. Cherishment, sacrifice, plenishment: exposure to the good. Plato. The good grants authority to knowledge and truth. Anaximander. Injustice, restitution.Beauty, truth, justice gifts from the good. Precedence in Western philosophic tradition to gathering, assembling, and having being. Love of self as having. A self beyond itself, giving beyond having. Ethic responsive to the heterogeneous abundance (...)
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  35.  65
    Index.Stephen David Ross - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:567-602.
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    Inheritance.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:277-301.
    How does one desire forgetting? How does one desire not to keep?How does one desire mourning (assuming that to mourn, to work at mourning does not amount to keeping . . .)? (Derrida, GT, 36)Jacques Derrida died Friday night, October 8–9, 2004.
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    Inexhaustibility and human being: an essay on locality.Stephen David Ross - 1989 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    LOCALITY AND JUDGMENT THE GENERAL THEMES OF THE VIEW OF PRACTICE I will develop here are expressed in the triangle of locality, inexhaustibility, ...
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  38.  11
    Injustice and Restitution: The Ordinance of Time.Stephen David Ross - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    This book addresses the nature and injustice of authority, retracing the ideas of reason and law from ancient Greece to the present, pursuing a line of thought begun with Anaximander, who speaks of the ordinance of time as restitution for ...
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    Inexhaustibility in Heidegger’s Thought.Stephen David Ross - 1988 - International Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):73-88.
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  40. in Philosophy.Stephen David Ross - 1998 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12:74.
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  41.  85
    In pursuit of moral value.Stephen David Ross - 1973 - San Francisco,: Freeman, Cooper.
  42.  14
    Judgment and the Question of Human Being.Stephen David Ross - 1983 - Philosophy Today 27 (3):258-268.
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    Locality and practical judgment: charity and sacrifice.Stephen David Ross - 1994 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This work completes Ross 's trilogy examining the inexhaustible complexity of the world and our relation to our surroundings.
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  44. Lyotard and" the forgotten.Stephen David Ross - 2002 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Lyotard: Philosophy, Politics and the Sublime. New York: Routledge. pp. 164.
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  45.  7
    Literature & Philosophy.Stephen David Ross - 1969 - New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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  46.  33
    Metaphysical Aporia and Philosophical Heresy.Stephen David Ross - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    Ross (philosophy, SUNY Binghamton) attempts to rethink metaphysical traditions in terms of continental and pragmatist critiques, viewing the major work in the tradition as heretical. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  47.  5
    Moral decision.Stephen David Ross - 1972 - San Francisco,: Freeman, Cooper.
  48.  32
    Notes.Stephen David Ross - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:505-511.
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  49.  39
    Pain.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:303-333.
    Physical pain has no voice, but when it at last finds a voice, it begins to tell a story, and the story that it tells is about the inseparability of these three subjects, their embeddedness in one another. (Scarry, BP, 3).
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  50.  42
    Past and Future.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:177-218.
    By submitting to the primacy of the question “What?” the phenomenology of memory finds itself at the outset confronting a formidable aporia present in ordinary language: the presence in which the representation of the past seems to consist does indeed appear to be that of an image. We say interchangeably that we represent a past event to ourselves or that we have an image of it, an image that can be either quasi visual or auditory. . . . Memory, reduced (...)
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